Let’s get to know Project Engineer, Mariam Gaid!
Mariam possesses a richly diverse background from major projects in tunnelling including Northconnex and Westconnex and also highway projects including the Berry to Bomaderry upgrade.
Northconnex is one of my most memorable projects because I was able to see the project from the very beginning until completion. Driving through the tunnels today gives me a great sense of achievement.
– Mariam Gaid
Mariam recently joined our team and one of the key reasons that excited her was because CJC feels more like a family and community. To her, the range of opportunities and support we offer is exceptional which can help her grow in her career.
This truly means a lot to us as a company because we continuously champion the growth of our team members. Mariam is also an active supporter of women in engineering, especially in the Civil Engineering industry.
She acknowledges that the secret to being a great engineer is the ability to connect with those around us, particularly the crews that are doing the work. It’s truly valuable when you have the chance to learn in an all-inclusive team setting. Not only that you feel supported, but you also have valuable resources when you need to think outside the box to overcome complex problems.
Welcome to the team, Mariam!