The life of an engineer is a busy one, this month we hear from CJC Management’s Senior Project Engineer, Ayman Sayegh shares with us what a day in his life looks like.
1. What is the first thing you do when you arrive at a job
Breakfast of course!! Always start my day with a healthy meal. Say hello to everyone in the office to let everyone know I am at work. I then check my email, diary & calendar, and start to plan out my day. If I am heading to site first thing, as always, safety first. I would speak to the site supervisor to understand the current risks of the site, ensure I have the appropriate PPE and plan out how I am going to carry out my work safely.
2. What does a normal day look like onsite?
I don’t think there is a normal day on site. Every time I visit the risks and hazards change. I mostly attend site to do inspections which involves accessing the site safely, giving way to other work activities and inspecting work in progress or recently completed works to ensure compliance to the relevant specifications of design documentation.
3. When you’re in the middle of a job how much do you collaborate with other contractors to achieve what you need to?
Day in and day out. I am in constant contact with the client, contractor, and certifier via various means such as in meetings, joint site walks, phone, email and electronic document systems.
4. What has been the toughest job you have ever worked on and why?
A Rail link job that involved constructing a 4km concrete viaduct with a cable stay bridge. The project from a technical perspective was quite complex with various engineering challenges. This then was combined with working with contractors who were not familiar with the environment, multiple companies coming together and multiple ways of working. I spent a lot of time and effort building, modifying and implementing a new business system and ensuring every new staff member was given a thorough induction into the system and the procedures I had set up.
5. What has been your proudest moment on the job?
That exact same project, whilst it started with a lot of challenges, really proved that persistence and sticking it out will help make it happen. Performing that inspection of the last aspect of the substructure works was a very proud moment.
6. What is the last thing you do on a job before your day is finished?
I write down some tasks for what I need to do tomorrow, followed by a quick clean of clutter and tidy up of my desk.