Paddington Gates Pedestrian and Cyclist Improvements

Project lifecycle

We offer services to improve business performance by providing expert advice on all phases of a project lifecycle, from initiation to finalisation


Transport for NSW (TfNSW) is proposing to upgrade the pedestrian and cyclist crossings at the intersection of Oxford Street, Moore Park Road, Queen Street and Lang Road, and to provide a new separated cycleway.  The upgrade consists of widened median works lane adjustments, median removal works, a new pedestrian crossing, widening footpaths and a new separated cycleway connecting to Paddington Gates, Centennial Park.

CJC role

CJC Management was engaged to undertake a constructability assessment at concept design stage.

A key output of the constructability assessment was a utilities impact assessment. Other outputs of the assessment were the development of construction staging, a likely construction sequence and an estimation of stage durations, all of which were presented in a construction method statement.

Significant issues and opportunities were identified throughout the assessment and provided periodically. CJC provided advice on alternate pavement design options and estimated peak-construction light vehicle and heavy-vehicle movements.

As part of the scope, CJC facilitated a constructability and health and safety in design (HSiD) workshop at concept design stage.

The outcomes of the constructability assessment and workshop were presented in a constructability report.

Project Photo Gallery
