Building Australia’s future: CJC Management’s role in infrastructure advisory and growth challenges

Australia’s growing fast. In fact, we’ve welcomed over half a million people in a single year. That’s a
significant surge and it brings us to an important question: “How do we build an Australia that’s
ready for all this growth?”
. At CJC Management, we’re engaging in these conversations every day. Our
work begins long before the construction stage, where our reputation for Strategic Assessment,
Concept Design, and Tendering Review positions us at the forefront of the industry. We play a crucial,
though often ‘invisible,’ role in creating not just structures, but comprehensive infrastructure
solutions that make life better for everyone.

As a leading infrastructure advisory, we’re in the business of strategically engineering the arteries of
our nation – ensuring that as we grow, we stay interconnected and safeguarded for the future. As
recently announced, the Australian government’s move to fund 30,000 new homes is a solid step.
But it’s essential to acknowledge that homes are just part of the picture.

We need to consider the intricate network of roads that connect these homes, understanding that
well-planned transport routes are essential to meet the infrastructure challenges posed by our
growing population. It’s also about the schools and hospitals that serve our communities, each a
crucial piece in the complex puzzle of national development. And let’s not forget the digital networks
that bind us together, which are increasingly critical in a society where connectivity equals
productivity and inclusion.

Colin Calder, our Group Managing Director, puts it this way: “We’ve got a unique opportunity to build
a foundation for Australia that will last for generations. It’s about more than concrete and steel; it’s
about creating spaces where people can live well.”

The Intergenerational Report of 2023 is our guide here. It’s clear that we need to keep investing in
infrastructure to support our growing population. But it’s not just about spending more; it’s about
spending smart.

We’re also seeing a shift in how we manage construction projects. It’s a move towards more open
conversations and flexible arrangements. At CJC Management, we don’t see this as just a trend; it’s a
response to a world where change is the only constant. Colin emphasises this, saying “Embracing
change isn’t just part of our job; it’s at the core of our philosophy. By actively seeking feedback from
every stakeholder, we ensure our projects not only meet but exceed the expectations of the
communities we serve. There is a need to take an approach that involves this active engagement.
We’re also integrating advanced technologies and innovative methodologies to make our processes
more efficient and responsive. This new way of working isn’t about abandoning traditional methods;
rather, it’s about enhancing them with a modern mindset, where change is not just anticipated but
welcomed as an opportunity for growth and improvement.”

Despite the challenges – like rising material costs and interruptions in the supply chain – there’s room
for optimism. We’re learning that with the right approach, we can improve how we deliver major
projects. It’s about precision in planning, being realistic, and managing risks well.

And technology? It’s a game-changer. We’re seeing more mobile tech, AI, automation and data
analytics in construction. These aren’t just gadgets; they’re tools that can make us more efficient,
inform our decisions and help us build smarter.

Sustainability and diversity are also at the forefront of our industry’s evolution. It’s about building
with an eye on the environment and ensuring our teams reflect the diversity of the communities we
serve. This isn’t just good ethics; it’s good business.

So, what’s our vision for the future? Colin Calder sums it up perfectly: “Our goal is to look beyond the
conventional boundaries of infrastructure development. By embracing innovation and building a
diverse workforce, we are not just preparing for the future; we are actively shaping it with each
smart decision we make today.”

We’re excited about what’s ahead and we’re committed to playing our part in building a future-ready
Australia, offering an array of services and capabilities to support our clients throughout this
transformative journey.

Empowering Women in STEMM: Insights from the Women in STEMM Leadership Summit

by Sumesha Durais, Area Manager

Sarah and I attended a Women in STEMM Leadership Summit in March this year, which aims to equip emerging and established leaders with the tools and inspiration needed to become influential, visionary, and forward-thinking. Featuring accomplished women leaders from all STEMM sectors, insights offered valuable perspectives for attendees at all career stages. The conference was interactive, thought-provoking and inspiring, and I would like to share a few personal highlights from some of the speakers, including the real-time illustrative capture of the summit content.

Empowering Women in STEMM: Insights from the Women in STEMM Leadership Summit
Sarah Stante, NSW State Manager – CJC & CaSE, and Sumesha Durais, Area Manager, attended the Women in STEMM Leadership Summit held in Melbourne on the 21st and 22nd of March 2023.

Jane MacMaster from Engineers Australia shared her views on work-life integration, providing flexibility to employees while establishing personal boundaries within the workplace. She highlighted different arrangements implemented by employers and shed light on their effectiveness. This was followed by a mini masterclass on working women’s guilt which focused on identifying our personal values.  When our personal values align with those of our workplaces, we are more likely to have a satisfying career.

Mahin Sonia (AWS), presented a masterclass on practical techniques for team motivation. Her expertise and authenticity resonated, addressing common challenges faced by female leaders in the industry. I found the following speakers enlightening even though their industries were not the same as mine:

  • Kerry Louise Philips, a longstanding Qantas pilot on overcoming double standards in the workplace.
  • Brenda Denbesten, from BHP, explained sponsors and their role in her career over the years.
  • Sonia Adams, GHD CCO, on “no straight lines from A to B” as she described the squiggle that was her career path.

The panel discussion on “The role of leadership in setting a healthy workplace culture that attracts female talent” featured leaders from Arup, Aurecon, GHD, and the National Breast Cancer Foundation. This session revealed that only 11.2% of working engineers in Australia are women, and that gender equity will drive better business performance. Sarah’s key take-outs included:

  • Make inclusion and cultural safety a real and visible organisational value
  • Increasing diversity and intersectional participation is everyone’s responsibility
  • Active listening as a leader to lived experience is a key indicator on the success of inclusion initiatives is within the teams

The two-day summit featured a range of engaging activities, including bite-size masterclasses, roundtable conversations, and thought-provoking “fireside” discussion panels presented by accomplished women in various STEMM disciplines. These speakers shared insights at different stages of their careers, offering valuable perspectives for attendees to consider. The summit was a great occasion for knowledge exchange and networking, inspiring participants to forge their paths toward success in STEMM fields.

The summit also featured interactive workshops on managing intimidation, understanding the impact of gender norms, and mentoring training, fostering a collaborative learning environment.

An illustrator captured the discussions and presentations in real-time, creating visual representations that served as valuable reminders of the event’s content.

Sarah and I enjoyed the connectivity across STEMM sectors that the Women in STEMM Leadership Summit offered, and sharing the unique challenges faced in STEMM sectors. We now have some extra tools to build our leadership capabilities and ideas for increasing diversity in our business. To learn more about CJC’s commitment to diversity and inclusion, read our blog post: CJC Wins Top Award for Diversity and Inclusion.

John Shaw Dinner 2023

On April 27th, the John Shaw Dinner took place at the magnificent Sydney Town Hall and was attended by some of the most accomplished engineering professionals. Members of our team had the opportunity to celebrate excellence in the engineering industry at what is widely regarded as the most prestigious event on the Roads Australia calendar. 

The John Shaw Dinner provides a fantastic chance to reinforce relationships and expand our network with other professionals, ultimately leading us to strategic connections. Additionally, the industry celebrated the 28th recipient of the distinguished John Shaw Medal – Dr Charles MacDonald.  

The award recognises Dr MacDonald’s lasting contribution to Australia’s integrated transport network and his exceptional contributions to the engineering industry. Dr MacDonald is widely recognised as a leading figure in the Australian civil construction industry in both the private and public sectors. He has worked as a chartered civil engineer for fifty years, delivering road infrastructure in Australia and in overseas locations including the UK, Hong Kong and Saudi Arabia. 

It was an honour for us to be connected with so many accomplished professionals on such a special night.

Smart50 workplaces 2023: CJC wins top award for diversity and inclusion

It is with great pride that we share the news of our recent win of the Smart50 Workplaces award for Diversity and Inclusion. Being recognised as leaders in this space is a great achievement for CJC and,  more specifically, supports the steps we are talking towards promoting gender diversity, including doubling the number of women in our team by 2030.   

Industry challenges around Diversity & Inclusion 

There is a significant under-representation of women in the engineering workforce, particularly in civil and structural engineering, and compared to other STEMM professions, there is a lack of university-qualified women in senior positions. This disparity is due to systemic barriers and limited access to education and training opportunities necessary for career advancement. Biases and stereotypes also impact decision-making and perpetuate the lack of diversity. 

Rachael Oertel, Project Engineer at CJC encourages young females to consider a career in engineering and reflects on her learnings.

“Gender should never impact a young engineer’s responsibilities. It is also important to continually improve your knowledge and to always ask questions.

Through my early career, I learned the importance of asking questions to maximise my potential. My biggest challenge now, after seven years in the industry, is identifying which areas of soft and hard skills I should focus my energy on to further myself in the profession.”

How we embrace Diversity & Inclusion at CJC

At CJC Management, we do not just accept difference — we celebrate it, we support it, and we thrive on it for the benefit of our employees, our services, and our community. We are proud to be an equal opportunity employer. We believe the world is a better place with more women engineers and we show up to continuously support our engineers by creating opportunities and having open conversations that help women continue to shape the world. We participate in events like International Women’s Day and attend other specific Women in Engineering occasions to celebrate our female staff members and raise awareness for bias in the industry. 

Our ambition to be a more diverse organisation

CJC Management is dedicated to achieving true diversity in the engineering industry. As an equal-opportunity employer, we aim to promote gender diversity by doubling the number of women in our team by 2030 and providing more opportunities for women graduates. We recognise the achievements of female engineers by nominating them for awards and celebrating International Women’s Day and International Women in Engineering Day. We also organise workshops run by female engineers to encourage more women to pursue a career in engineering.

A supportive culture for all employees to thrive

At CJC Management, we’ve implemented practices to support diversity and inclusion, including professional development events, flexible work arrangements, and an annual gender pay gap review. As we grow our team, these practices have attracted new female engineers to our team and we look forward to welcoming many more in the future. 

Our workplace culture is one where all employees (gender aside) can thrive and we are making continual improvements to support our people. With the appointment of an accredited leadership and organisational culture specialist, we are now incorporating concepts such as motivation theory, emotional intelligence and brain-based leadership techniques to improve engagement, well-being and retention of employees. We offer leadership training, mentor programs and employee assistance programs to name a few. 

What is Smart50 Workplaces? 

Developed by SmartCompany in partnership with Employment Hero, Smart50 Workplaces 2023 recognises 50 Australian SMEs with exceptional hiring and retention strategies, and six category Top Performers. Read more about the inaugural Smart50 Workplaces list and who else made the cut here.

CJC Marks Second Quarterly Update of 2022 Together with International Women in Engineering Day

Achieving gender equality and elevating women in the industry has been a part of our mission from the get-go!

To mark International Women in Engineering Day, our teams are learning even further on how to put the highest standards of equality at the centre of everything we do.

In conjunction with our second Quarterly Update of the year, our teams in Sydney got together to reconnect with one another last week.

We also had the pleasure to welcome Leadership Coach, Loretta Mitchell as she led an inspiring leadership training for our team.

Truly a great way to finish the first half of the year!

The Future of Women in Engineering

We are celebrating International Women in Engineering Day with two of our talented engineers, Rachael Oertel and Mariam Gaid.

Our Project Engineer, Mariam Gaid sees International Women in Engineering Day as a way to raise the conversation about gender equality in this industry and put emphasis on the future of engineering.

“I see more female leading engineers in senior roles that will inspire and guide a lot of people to take that step to enter a male-dominated industry.” says Mariam.

What does being an engineer mean to you?

It means that I will make a difference in everyday life and improve the quality of traveling to the people around me. Each project that I work on is either a tunnel, road or a bridge. The goal is to always make improvements to our transport system.

Where do you see the future of women in engineering?

Have the confidence to speak your opinion and question anything that you think can improve.

The more questions you have the more you will understand the concept behind each design, and that is the only way to grow and learn as an engineer.

We also spoke with Rachael Oertel, Project Engineer about what advice she would give to those thinking about starting a career in Engineering.

What was the biggest challenge when you first started your career vs. now?

Thinking that I needed to have the knowledge of how to do all of the tasks assigned to me, without asking questions. I thought it would not reflect well on my abilities. Through my early career, I learned the importance of asking questions to maximise my potential. My biggest challenge now, after seven years in the industry, is identifying which areas of soft and hard skills I should focus my energy on to further myself in the profession.

Why is engineering interesting for you? What do you always take away from this field?

Engineering is continually changing. You don’t often get stuck on a task for more than a few days. There’s also the opportunity to expand your knowledge every day.

What advice would you give to a young engineer?

It is important to work with great managers who respect their engineering team, regardless of gender.

Gender should never impact a young engineer’s responsibilities. It is also important to continually improve your knowledge and to always ask questions.

We hope this day could help spread the awareness even further about the importance of celebrating days where we champion our female talents and how having male colleagues support this growth is an integral part of that.

Learning More About Engaging Young Engineers From Sarah Stante’s Career Journey

Creating impact starts with daily conversations. We are taking proactive steps to inspire future engineers.

We are humbled and grateful to be invited by the University of Queensland Women in Engineering program to speak to future generations of engineers.

In April, NSW State Manager, Sarah Stante took part as the host for the virtual seminar as she shared her experience in the industry, and how important mentorships can be especially at the start of one’s career.

Let’s take a look back at Sarah’s career journey and her advice for future women in Engineering.

How did you get started in the industry?

I started working in construction project management on large-scale infrastructure projects in Sydney. I’ve always searched out and stepped up into opportunities, with career progression in mind, being respected for working hard and delivering outcomes.

I worked on the Cross City Tunnel in Sydney, a technically difficult build in a highly urbanised environment with traffic, utilities and space restrictions. This was a great experience with great people. I only recently learned that the site supervisor I worked with made a special effort to include a female toilet in our compound, something that I never thought of as being out of the ordinary in the early 2000s.

I worked on a motorway intersection upgrade in Brisbane, where my team delivered 12 new bridges months ahead of the program. This was the first project I worked on where I had another woman working alongside me in a leadership role, and it was great to have someone to bounce ideas off and provide a different kind of support. I was also pregnant with my first child during this project.

What influenced you to step into this career?

In high school, I was very interested in environmental science and accidentally fell into construction, when I started monitoring environmental requirements on site, while also being responsible for some site engineering. I loved seeing projects develop from paper to real life, and the everyday challenges that a dynamic site environment brings.

What do you like to do in your spare time?

I have two beautiful children, who I try to spend as much time with as possible. Our family enjoy travelling and experiencing new things, and we are looking forward to a camping trip in the Northern Territory this year.

What’s one thing you would say to young engineers?

I’m excited by the strength, intelligence and zero-tolerance attitude displayed by women engineers joining the industry. We own our place – and contribute amazingly to the future!

What Makes a Good Engineer?

The word ‘engineer’ can define more than a professional title.

We asked our team members Robert Koch, Rachael Oertel, and Stephenson Chau the attributes that contribute to a good engineer. There are many great qualities that contribute to being good at your profession as an engineer, from being able to think strategically, work collaboratively, responsibility and
having strong technical skills.

Let’s hear what our team members think about this!

Robert Koch, Principal (Structures)

robert koch

“An engineer is a person who has the knowledge and skill to change the world in meaningful and positive ways through understanding and harnessing nature for the betterment of society.

A good engineer has a responsible, caring and concerned attitude, a committed understanding of his or her obligations to a client, society and the environment, and acts with integrity and purpose.”

Rachael Oertel, Project Engineer

An engineer certainly requires technical skills for the day-to-day tasks, but it is the soft skills that are often under-valued but essential for progression in this field of work.

How good an engineer’s soft skills are will influence how well that person can work or interact with others, determine that person’s dependability and emotional intelligence, and determine how well they can manage teams.”

Stephenson Chau, Senior Project Engineer

“I think what makes a good engineer is their ability to think strategically, systematically and applying the thoughts to real life scenario. Also to apply theoretical knowledge to solve physical issues.”

CJC Attends John Shaw Awards Dinner

A few of our executive team members had the privilege to attend The John Shaw Award Dinner on Thursday 19th May 2022.

This year, Road’s Australia presented the John Shaw Medal to Louise McCormick who has made an outstanding and lasting contribution to the Northern Territory Government’s goal of a $40 billion economy by 2030. Congratulation Louise!

CJC John Shaw Roads Australia Dinner
CJC John Shaw Roads Australia Dinner

We had the privilege to listen to the one and only Dr. Jane Goodall (Scientist, UN Messenger of Peace), in

One of the key highlights for us was receiving our membership certificate and having the opportunity to catch up face to face with our peers in the industry.

It was a fantastic opportunity for the CJC team to be a part of.

Why is it called The John Shaw Medal?

John Shaw was born on 26 August 1902 and worked for the Main Roads Boards of New South Wales for several years. In 1940 John was enlisted in the Royal Australian Engineers Field company when Second World War broke out.

John was sent to Malaya to assist the defence of Singapore where he was taken prisoner and held in the notorious Changi prison.

At the end of the war, John was liberated and awarded the Distinguished Server Order award.

On returning to civilian life in Australia, Shaw resumed his work with the then Department of Main Roads.

John was overseeing various post-war infrastructure projects such as the Gladesville Bridge where he served as Chief Engineer and eventually rose to the office to Commissioner for Main Roads.

After his retirement, John Shaw served as the Deputy Chief Commissioner of the City of Sydney and National President of the Australian Road Federation.

He is the only Australian ever to have been honoured by the International Road Federation as “Man of the Year”.

The John Shaw Award, which was initiated in the Queensland Region of the Australian Road Federation, acknowledges his outstanding contribution to roads.

Mariam Gaid’s Success Fuelled by Curiosity

Curiosity is the fuel of learning and discovery.

Ever since she was a little girl, Project Engineer Mariam Gaid has always been fascinated to see complex structures and always wondered how they were built.

Today, Mariam has worked on many major projects such as Northconnex, Westconnex, and currently the Pacific Highway Upgrade.

What did you study at University?

I studied Civil Engineering at Western Sydney University in Sydney.

How did you start your career in the Engineering industry?

I started my career working on major tunnelling projects around Sydney, including Northconnex and Westconnex. These projects allowed me to take part in the construction of Australia’s longest and deepest road tunnels, reaching a depth of 90 metres beneath the surface. From there I ventured into new opportunities working on highway upgrades, allowing me to experience more of what Civil Engineering has to offer.

What influenced you to choose this career path?

Since I was young, I was fascinated by seeing complex structures and always wondered how they were built. Engineering allows me to not only be a part of that process but also to see it step by step and know that I’m constructing something that will benefit many people and communities in the future.

“Never doubt what you can do because you can do anything you set your mind to.” says Mariam to young female graduates.

What is the best thing about working in the Engineering Industry?

Witnessing a project come to life from barely anything, usually transforming from a patch of dirt to infrastructure used by millions of people in their everyday life, and seeing how everything comes together to make it happen.

Would you recommend this career to young females about to graduate high school?

Absolutely, if you are interested in the background of how things are built behind the scene and how it becomes a great-looking end product, then this career is for you.

What advice would you give to female graduates starting work in a male-dominated industry?

Have confidence in your abilities and speak up, don’t be shy to ask questions or to challenge ideas. And choose a mentor that you are comfortable with to help guide you through if you face difficulties.

Celebrating Our Journey: A Decade of CJC

From an industrious team of 3 to over 50 employees working on notable projects worldwide, this has definitely been an exciting decade for CJC.

An achievement that is only possible because of the incredible effort of our team and the continuing support of our clients and everyone involved.

2011: The Idea

Founder, Colin Calder spends his time travelling the world for his work. His career in Civil Engineering started almost 30 years ago. He left Scotland in 1995 to start work in Hong Kong where his passion for working overseas began. During this time of his career, he met some incredibly talented people and worked on many challenging and interesting projects. The camaraderie and working experience on-site gave Colin the idea to start his own company, CJC Management.

2014: It started with one.

Colin is representing CJC on his own on WestConnex 1A tender Assessment in Sydney. CJC remains a one-man operation at this stage, but this will not stay the same for long.

2015: Great friends to great colleagues.

Craig Stoddart, Jonathan Davies, Colin Calder

CJC is engaged to assist in the Northwest Rail project in Sydney. Colin reaches out to his old colleagues, Jonathan Davies from the UK and Craig Stoddart who’s already based in Sydney. With their vision aligned, the team of 3 moved into their first office in Chifley Towers in Sydney. 

2017: Extending services.

The development of projects like WestConnex 1A and 1B allows CJC to further expand its range of services. This includes constructability, technical analysis and strategic advice in the design, delivery, and management of projects.

2018: Notable projects.

Over the next 2 years, CJC was engaged in notable projects such as Sydney Metro, Western Harbour Tunnel, and Osbourne Naval Shipyard in Adelaide which reinforced its presence in the industry.

2019: Growing our network.

We host our clients at Melbourne Cup, which remains a key event for CJC to this day. We attend awards and present at conferences as the company continues to develop new business opportunities.

2021: Taking opportunities.

We opened offices in Brisbane, Melbourne, Adelaide, and Wollongong, solidifying our position across the country. Through an increasing demand for commercial advice on our projects, we took the opportunity to formalise this by creating CJC Commercial.

2022: Global expansion.

From humble beginnings, CJC now employs over 50 people globally and continues to grow, with the recent opening of our offices in the US and the Middle East.

Our Achievements are made possible with the incredible effort of our team and the continuing support of our clients and everyone involved.

CJC Turns 10: A Decade of Growth and Credibility 

The story begins in 2011 when Colin Calder founded CJC. Fuelled by his entrepreneurial spirit and ambition to improve the gaps in the Engineering industry, he set out to build a company that would give the highest quality of service that provides smart solutions to projects. 

In celebration of #ADecadeOfCJC, we sat down with Colin as he reflects on the company’s evolution. Little did he know that 10 years later, the team would employ more than 50 people, projects would reach up to $3 billion AUD and they would have branches of offices in countries across the world.  

Where did the idea to start CJC come from? 

“I had been in the industry myself as a Civil Engineer for over 30 years. From my travels all over the world, I saw the opportunity to create CJC. There was a construction boom in Sydney with gaps that I am confident that CJC could fill. It was when I was working on the Northwest Rail project that I realised how much CJC can bring to the table in terms of solutions and skills.” 

How has the business changed over the past decade? 

“CJC started off as bridge specialists with just three people, including myself, Jonathan Davies, and Craig Stoddart. In the beginning, we focused on proposals that require critical technical input on project structural components. Industry demands and major projects like WestConnex lead CJC to extend its services to include constructability, technical analysis and strategic advice in the design, delivery, and management side. Today, we have grown from a humble small team of 3 to over 50 employees globally and counting.” 

Craig Stoddart, Jonathan Davies, Colin Calder

What does CJC turning 10 mean to you? 

“10 is such a major milestone. In all honestly, the best thing for me is the opportunity to reconnect with talented people from all over the world. My career has been very international. I made the decision to travel the world when I started my career, and the opportunity led me to work with these great people I’ve met years ago on projects and on construction sites. Now, these people are part of CJC. It has truly gone full circle.” 

NorthWest Rail Project Sydney
NorthWest Rail Project- Sydney

There are many things that have changed about CJC since those early days, but the core remains—the people. 

What would you like to say to your employees? 

“I am immensely grateful to have so many great people in the company. I constantly feel humbled by their positive and strong commitment to achieving our common goals. CJC would not be where we are today without the hard work of our people.” 

How would you describe our people? 

“Dedicated, professional, and honest.”  

What are your hopes for the future for CJC? 

“I have hopes for CJC to continue our international expansion by getting involved in new markets. I also hope we can grow while tackling challenges of the modern world such as sustainability and climate change, while still being able to bring the same level of service and development in Engineering. I am confident that CJC will uphold our core strength of good people and high-quality engineering service.” 

Australia Avenue: Upgrading a Dual-lane Roundabout

Ever wonder how to upgrade a dual-lane roundabout?

The Australia Ave Upgrade project includes the upgrade of the existing dual-lane roundabout to improve intersection performance and access to the growing Sydney Olympic Precinct. The site is constrained by heavy traffic, the existing Homebush Bay Drive Bridges and significant utilities.

CJC Management has been working closely with TfNSW to provide design and constructability advice throughout the strategic development phase.

Great job to the team involved, Craig Stoddart, Quoc Phuong, Peter Brown, Florian Dieterle, Elnaz Ebrahimi, and George Dalianas.

Paul Rubsov Joins CJC Airports Team

CJC welcomes Paul Rubsov who has recently joined our Airports team as Principal Technical Lead.

In his last role at Sydney Airport, Paul was the Technical Manager of Infrastructure and Services. After 15 years at the Airport, Paul believes it was time for him to take on a new challenge. Leveraging off the experience and contacts he had established whilst also drawing on his consulting and design background.

Paul Rubsov Principal Technical lead

What is the most significant project you have worked on?

I was the Project Facilitator for the Airport East/ Westconnex enabling project. This was an RMS/John Holland project that extended Wentworth Avenue to Mascot Road through Airport property east of the cross runway.

I ensured the project was delivered to the requirements and in the best interest of the Airport. I took into consideration the impact on aviation operations, the impact on adjacent environmentally sensitive wetlands and ensured everything was compliant with Airport regulations and stakeholder requirements.

If you had to choose 1 dish for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Probably a Vietnamese vegetarian rice noodle salad (Bun Chay). It’s light, healthy and delicious!

We’re glad to have you as part of the team, Paul!

CJC Attends UN Women Australias Annual IWD Lunch

Last week, the women of our Sydney team attended the UN Women Australia’s Annual International Women’s Day Lunch.

We had the privilege to listen to the one and only Dr. Jane Goodall (Scientist, UN Messenger of Peace), interviewed by Linh Do, a sustainability activist and Director of the Wattle Fellowship from the University of Melbourne.

It was a great experience to get together with fellow inspiring women on a special day and ignite conversations about equality.

This was an insightful experience and we learned a lot and went home more inspired than ever.

Breaking the Bias for International Women’s Day

Imagine a world free of bias, stereotypes, and discrimination.

This year’s International Women’s Day theme to #BreakTheBias aims to start this conversation and encourage people to commit to helping build an inclusive world.

Project Manager, Juliano Penteado strongly believes in the importance of achieving equal rights. Not only just because of the clear positive impact, but it is also the right thing to do.

“As a man, I actively try to support women’s achievements through listening intently and I am a supporter for equal conditions in the workplace.” says Juliano

Individually, we’re all responsible for our own thoughts and actions. Together, we can break the bias in our workplaces and communities.

Women still face stereotypical biases against their ability to thrive in their careers. Senior Project Engineer, Yusuf Abdullahi also shares one of the reasons why he believes in the importance of breaking this cycle of bias.

On this year’s International Women’s Day, CJC cross arms as a symbol to break down stereotypes for women in the workplace.

Each and every one of us has a bias. But it is also our collective responsibility to change the narrative and start a different conversation. One that leads to equality.

Imagine a gender-equal world.

A world free of bias, stereotypes, and discrimination.

A world that is diverse, equitable, and inclusive.

A world where difference is valued and celebrated.

Together we can forge equality.

Collectively, we can all break the bias.

CJC Celebrates World Engineering Day

We can’t imagine a world without engineers. Can you?

World Engineering Day for Sustainable Development was proclaimed by UNESCO and takes place every March 4th ever since 2020. This day offers an opportunity to highlight engineers and their achievements in our modern world.

This year, we are tapping into the theme of Build Back Wiser, which means engineers need to consider the environmental impact for the future in equal measure to the traditional drivers of quality, cost and time.

It is engineering innovations that will help change the world.

It is engineers that will ensure cities are cleaner, more sustainable, smarter and livable.

It is engineers that help build a better and more sustainable world.

We recognise the importance of this message and it is our responsibility as engineers to adapt and transition to new ways that would impact positively for our future.

One of the many actions that we have taken towards this goal is adopting BIM (Building Information Technology) to our practises. Using BIM allows us to demonstrate value in reducing cost, time, and increasing the quality of our projects.

Thank you engineers of the world for your dedication and hard work. Here’s to building a sustainable world and constantly learning!

The Power of Teamwork: Epping Metro Train Station Project

“Everyone has an important role to play.”, says Graham Nuss

What makes a great Project Manager? As someone with extensive major design and construction experience under his belt, Graham Nuss certainly agrees that there’s no single skill that outweighs the importance of the others.

Why? Because fundamentally, being a project manager means wearing many hats including communication, decision-making, and critical thinking. These skills are intertwined and directly impact how someone manages projects. 

The Epping Metro Station project played an important role in how Graham leads his current and future projects to successful completion. 

Tell us about your involvement in this project. 

The Epping to Chatswood Rail Line project began in 2003, and I commenced as the Senior Project Engineer on the surface works responsible for the building. It was a very complex site as it involved constructing service buildings and an underground station cavern in and around a fully operating railway station on the Sydney network. I then took on the role of Site Manager. 

What was the biggest challenge? 

The biggest challenge for me was the ever-changing nature and variety of works being undertaken at each site. At any one time, we would be managing utilities, hard rock shaft excavation, ground anchoring, blasting, rail possessions, piling, all whilst coordinating and staging this work with the operating station. 

How did you overcome this challenge? 

Very early on, I learned that communication and working together were key. With all the various activities being undertaken in such confined areas, everyone needs to be in sync with what is going on. We would have several coordination meetings throughout the day between the team. It is very important to be flexible in your planning as issues can develop throughout the day. 

In addition, much of our works were self-performed. This taught me the importance to communicate the work requirements with the crews in clear and uncomplicated terms. By doing so, it develops trust and understanding within the team. Involving the entire team in the process also helped greatly in engaging and creating ownership amongst them. The added benefit of this is that it is also a great opportunity to learn a lot from the experience of the people around you. 

Graham Nuss on getting the job done

Do you have any significant memories of the project? 

Some of the working conditions back in the day were difficult. I was always amazed at how, when given a difficult task, the crews would get stuck in and get the job done! 

Some of the works undertaken during rail possessions were just incredible. The planning and coordination required to complete an enormous amount of work in a 3 or 4 day shut down was very impressive. I will never forget that. 


What skills have you gained from this project?  

From a technical point of view, I learned that the ability to directly manage a huge variety of self-performed works allows you to gain a very detailed understanding of both the work processes and the requirements. This is always invaluable later in your career when it comes to understanding, planning, and even estimating works. 

More importantly, it is the communication and interaction with people that get the job done. Everyone has an important role to play. 

CJC Expands Global Engineering Expertise With Houston Office

CJC has officially opened an office to service North America in Houston, Texas, marking a major milestone in the company’s global growth strategy. The Texas-based office is the sixth global location connecting Australia, New Zealand, The United Kingdom, Spain and Brazil.

Located in the heart of Houston, this expansion will broaden opportunities for our company to connect with more people and provide the stellar service we are known for.

Throughout the company’s history, our company has navigated the landscape of the design, construction and maintenance of bridges, tunnels, marine and offshore and other heavy engineering construction projects.

The new headquarters will focus on providing focus in Structural, Constructability, Commercial and Marine expertise, we offer pragmatic, robust, and reliable construction solutions on major projects across the civil & structural construction sector.

With construction and engineering needs becoming increasingly more complex, operating globally allows our team from all over the world to combine their experience and skills when working together on projects which accelerates the delivery of effective solutions in the most optimal timeframe.

Through this expansion we will be working with new and existing partners in the US & Canada and extend our enviable track record of successful projects in Australia and the UK to North America.

Above all, we will continue our long-standing commitment to advance and offer the best solutions and outcomes created by our highly experienced Team.

We look forward to exciting things to come with this expansion.

If you would like to learn more about CaSE and our capabilities, please get in touch with Richard Lamb:

2700 Post Oak Blvd, Galleria Office Tower I, Houston, TX 77056

+1 713 478 4038

CJC Sponsors Elijah’s Star Epic Rowing Challenge Across the Atlantic

Elijah’s Star is named after baby Elijah, born prematurely, but a much-loved son and brother.

Dean Frost, Philip Bigland, Mac McCarthy and Jason Kerr successfully rowed the Atlantic Ocean in 41 days, 2 hours and 44 minutes and reached the finish line on Saturday 22nd January 2022. Together, they have raised over £300,000 for the charity Action Medical Research.

CJC is honoured to be able to support such a great cause.

Surpassing their goal of £200,000 to help fund research to save and change the lives of babies and children. In doing this they hope to shine a spotlight on the impact that premature birth has on babies and their families.

This is a cause that sits close to our hearts, especially as some of our team have had a similar experience in their family life. The names of these premature babies have been added to Elijah’s Star boat wrap.

We’ve really enjoyed following the teams rowing story, each episode giving us an insight into how they were tackling this incredible challenge. Well done to the team!

CJC Wrapped the Year 2021

Some highlights of our 2021!

We started the year off with our well anticipated Quarterly Update at our North Sydney head office. We rarely get to spend time seeing each other in person as the nature of our jobs always requires us to be in separate places (sometimes even different states and countries). That is why moments like these are truly special. Not only did we get to catch up on the latest projects in our company but we also had the chance to reconnect with everyone.

And what made this year even better certainly were the opening of our new offices in Melbourne, Adelaide, and Brisbane – which we had the pleasure of hosting the official opening event at the Stone & Wood Brewery. It was a wonderful night filled with great times connecting with like-minded people, good music, talking about the exciting future of our company accompanied by delicious food and drinks.

One of the most major milestones this year was also when we received our ISO Certification through Lloyd’s Register in July. We are now ISO 9001 (quality management system), ISO 14001 (environment management system) and ISO 45001 (OH&S) accredited. This milestone marked our continuous commitment to providing our clients with the best quality of services and skilled personnel.

Our teams have also started to provide the expertise of Nodes and Links, in partnership with Disruptive Sage. Nodes and Links is a scheduling platform for large-scale infrastructure projects! This is an exciting milestone for the company that will open up windows of opportunities with current and future clients. 

On top of that, we were also involved in numerous important events that are close to our hearts such as International Women in Engineering Day and R U OK? Day which we celebrated virtually during the lockdown with Kate Taylor, R U OK Ambassador and mental health advocate, who shared her personal mental health journey and how she overcome them.

We ended the year perfectly with our annual Christmas Party where we celebrated our team’s hardwork throughout the year.

Thank you for all your support and we look forward to another great year ahead.

Head to our Projects page to learn more about all of our projects this year.

CJC Celebrates a Great Gatsby Christmas

It is with delight and glee as we look back at our Christmas Party.

CJC places importance on inclusivity, connection, and creating a fun work environment where small wins are celebrated.

We are thankful for all the hard work that our teams have contributed throughout the year which is why we traditionally like to end the year with a lavish Christmas party!

Our Great Gatsby-themed Christmas Party was held at Ripple’s Chowder Bay filled with delicious food, night-long entertainment including a magic performance by The French Entertainer, gorgeous fairy lights display from Lamel Weddings, and certainly a view to remember.

We also celebrated the best dress of the night which was won by Patrick Deed!

Watch the video below to see how our company celebrated the event:

Thank you for all your amazing work, team.

CJC Attends Engineers Australia’s Women in Engineering Sydney High Tea

“How do you know when gender equality is over? Well, when we stop talking about it.”, said Kerry Lunney.

This quote was one of the key takeaways we took from Kerry, the keynote speaker of the event and Country Engineering Director and Chief Engineer at Thales Australia.

Some of the women from our CJC office in Sydney, Sarah Stante, Mariam Gaid, Sally Ann, and Hemika Chaudhari had the privilege to attend Engineers Australia‘s annual Women in Engineering High Tea Conference held at Sheraton Grand Sydney Hyde Park.

2021’s International Women’s Day theme of “Choose to Challenge” is the perfect topic to discuss during this annual event. By starting a conversation about this, especially with our fellow female colleagues, we can start to open the opportunities in the engineering world of what this could mean.

As engineers, too often we find projects that are complex, large, and span many years to develop. The big issue that we discovered is how to retain our “authentic self” while working on such complex projects, particularly in a currently still male-dominated industry.

As the keynote speaker, Kerry Lunney spoke confidently about her stories, experiences in her field, and what it took for her to be a successful and valued engineer regardless of your gender.

A little background of Kerry, she is also the President of the International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE) and holds the Expert Systems Engineering Professional (ESEP) qualification. With her extensive experience developing and delivering large system solutions, Kerry has worked in various industries including ICT, Gaming, Financial, Transport, Aerospace and Defence, in Australia, Asia and USA. Kerry is a Fellow Member of Engineers Australia with the status of Engineering Executive and Chartered Professional Engineer, and is a member of IEEE.

It was truly a wonderful opportunity to connect, learn from each other, and celebrate Women in Engineering!

CJC Opened a New Office in Adelaide South Australia

CJC has opened an office in Adelaide providing us greater connection with fellow partners and clients in the South Australian region.

Project Engineer, Rachael Oertel from our Sydney team has made the move down South to support this expansion.

For nearly 2 years now, Rachael has been with us across a range of different and amazing projects. We deeply appreciate her involvement and contribution of wonderful skills and the positive energy she brings on-site.

Our team has gained experience from major projects across the globe and is continuously driving to bring forth expert design and construction advice during all phases of a project lifecycle.

“I enjoy many elements of being an engineer working in construction. I enjoy the technical challenges, particularly in my current role. I also enjoy that each day is uniquely different and truly never boring.” says Rachael enthusiastically.

Our team has gained experience from major projects across the globe and is continuously driving to bring forth expert design and construction advice during all phases of a project lifecycle.

We are excited to create and strengthen connections with our clients and colleagues in Adelaide!

Our office is located at:
CoHutt 29/232 Hutt Street Adelaide, SA 5000

Do you have projects coming up that we can assist with? Contact State Manager, Rod Jeffrey.

How Peter Brown Thrives From His Early Mistakes

The road to success is not always linear, but Senior Project Engineer & Design Manager, Peter Brown learned how to grow and thrive from them.

Peter has been working in the field for the last ten years and is a truly valuable member of CJC. Hailing from the UK, Peter has been with CJC for almost two years now.

Peter worked on Walton Bridge as part of his very first project. It was indeed a significant experience, being on the field, the solid teamwork from AM to PM, seeing your works come to life, and nothing beats the feeling of seeing other people coming in when the bridge finally opened.

“The important thing was to recognise the error, appreciate that it’s your mistake, but that you’re probably the best person to resolve it.” says Peter

In this video, Peter looked back at some of the early mistakes he made when he first started his career and how he managed to bounce back.

Watch this video to hear his full story:

Newell Highway Pilliga Widening Project Site Visit

How great is it to be back out on the road!

Last week, Principal Craig Stoddart and Project Manager Patrick Deed went on a site visit to the Newell Highway located in the North West Region of New South Wales.

CJC is currently working on the Newell Highway Pilliga Widening project with Arup, providing constructability advice for the detailed design.

The NSW Government has committed $8.8 million to develop design concepts for the widening of the Newell Highway between Coonabarabran and Narrabri through the Pilliga – known as the Pilliga Widening project. This project will ultimately reduce travel times, improve journey reliability and improve safety along the Newell Highway for road users.

CJC was engaged to provide constructability services in accordance with the PS Specifications. Specifically for Value Management which includes attendance and input into the 20% and 80% design value management workshops. Constructability which is a facilitation of a 20% and 80% design constructability workshops and the preparation of report following each session.

This includes a site inspection and the preparation of detailed construction staging drawings/traffic sections at for both design phases. Additionally, CJC will also provide a constructability review of the ARUP 20% and 80% design drawing set and produce a high-level construction program. A Construction Staging Strategy Report will also be prepared to summarise the above items and findings.

Stay tuned for more updates on this ongoing project!

Fadi Bestawros Joined CJC Commercial

Meet Fadi Bestawros who has recently joined our team as Commercial Contracts Manager.

Fadi has been involved in numerous significant projects throughout his career, including Schofields Road Upgrade where he was responsible for administrating the GC 21 Contract and particularly at stage 1.

“To me, the key to being a strong leader is to provide support, have perspective, and maintain focus on the shared goal.” says Fadi.

We sat down with Fadi and got to know more about him and his passions, particularly how he ended up in his field of expertise when it comes to Commercial Contracts.

Fadi looked back at his time when he was freshly out of University. As a young graduate, he was keen to learn all aspects of the industry and this has opened up his opportunities to be involved in the commercial side of projects.

Find out more about Fadi’s professional journey, his favourite organisational tool and why we are incredibly excited to have him as part of our growing team in this video:

A Look Back at CJC’s Annual Melbourne Cup Lunch

This year, we got together with clients, colleagues and friends to celebrate Melbourne Cup 2021.

Held on the first Tuesday every November, the Melbourne Cup can be the perfect day to have a fun get-together with delicious foods and catch up with colleagues. This is particularly important for CJC as most times, team members are on site. So the opportunity to be in the same place and enjoy each other’s company is truly special.

At CJC, it’s is crucial that we make everyone feel welcome, safe and that they feel part of the team. This is why we place importance on getting together for events where we can stay in touch and highlight connection and teamwork.

Staying connected plays a significant role in the productivity of a team. We are proud of our efforts and initiatives in making every team member feel engaged and motivated.

Regardless of how companies decide to celebrate this Australian public holiday, for us, we focus on rewarding our team and clients.

Thank you to Cafe del Mar for providing a beautiful venue for our team!

We’re glad to be able to see everyone together and to catch up at this exciting event.

CJC Places Importance On Mental Wellbeing Month

At CJC we are committed to creating a safe and healthy workplace for all our employees.

In October 2021, our company dedicated special time and encouraged all our team members to focus on mental health and wellbeing even further. Particularly with the global pandemic and our teams who are based in New South Wales having to work remotely due to the current lockdown in place by the government.

Our month-long initiative included live webinars, step challenges, card gifting and more. Awareness will help change these numbers.

We started off the month through a virtual webinar with R U OK? Ambassador, Kate Taylor. Kate spoke candidly about her personal journey battling with mental health issues and how every one of us can help change a life by starting a conversation with those around us. We also received a care package in the mail with a personal note from the company.

One of the hardest challenges of working from home is to get our step counts up. This inspired us to create a company-wide Step Challenge with Florian Dieterle winning at the end of the week with an impressive total of 181,626 steps!

We also hosted our very first Virtual Trivial Night with everyone from our global offices joining online. It was a really special time for us to be able to get together despite the restrictions.

To further support our team members, CJC has partnered with Acacia Connections to provide Employee Assistance Programs. This enables our teams to access free counseling sessions to support their needs.

We wrapped up the month on a high by raising a total of $726 on our company’s R U OK? fundraising page. To us, this month is just the beginning. We pledge to continue to do the work by prioritizing safety, mental health, and wellbeing of our team members, always.

Mariam Gaid’s Secret to Being a Great Engineer

Let’s get to know Project Engineer, Mariam Gaid!

Mariam possesses a richly diverse background from major projects in tunnelling including Northconnex and Westconnex and also highway projects including the Berry to Bomaderry upgrade.

“Northconnex is one of my most memorable projects because I was able to see the project from the very beginning until completion. Driving through the tunnels today gives me a great sense of achievement” says Mariam.

Mariam recently joined our team and one of the key reasons that excited her was because CJC feels more like a family and community. To her, the range of opportunities and support we offer is exceptional which can help her grow in her career.

This truly means a lot to us as a company because we continuously champion the growth of our team members. Mariam is also an active supporter of women in engineering, especially in the Civil Engineering industry.

She acknowledges that the secret to being a great engineer is the ability to connect with those around us, particularly the crews that are doing the work. It’s truly valuable when you have the chance to learn in an all-inclusive team setting. Not only that you feel supported, but you also have valuable resources when you need to think outside the box to overcome complex problems.

Welcome to the team, Mariam!

CJC Recognised as Employer of Choice Finalist for Business NSW Awards 2021

We recently received recognition from the Business NSW Awards 2021 as a Regional Finalist of the Employer of Choice award. 

This is a great achievement for us as a company as it means we are being acknowledged for having implemented strategies and initiatives that create stimulating and supportive workplace environments to maximise the full potential of our workforce. 

Since day one, we have continuously worked to create a place where our employees can expand their skills. Therefore, it is exceptionally exciting for us to receive two other finalist award for our employees, Peter Brown and Lies Desaer with a well-deserved position for the Young Business Leader award. 

Here’s a recap on what our business have done over the past 12 months. 

Accessible traineeship program 

We encourage our employees to progress their career opportunities by giving them the opportunity to develop their skills and careers through further education. We offer performance development planning, career paths, and internal and external training opportunities. An example of this is our traineeship program, in which some of our employees can request to undertake a traineeship within their employment, to upskill in an area of interest.  

With the digital age and accessibility of information and learning, the job market has become a competitive field. Having the relevant and updated skills and knowledge gives anyone the advantage in landing jobs and promotions. Taking an active role in our employees’ professional development will be one of the keys in continuously growing their career and ultimately in achieving success.  

Implemented a new HR platform 

We wish to ensure our team is comfortable in their work environment putting employee wellbeing first, this can be corroborated by our new HR platform called Sentrient. This platform allows direct access for the employee for leave, incidents, all our policies and procedures and more importantly more than 20 courses for them to do online. These are listed on the website but include anything from WHS, to wellbeing, to COVID, to ergonomics at home. It has been a gamechanger for our company as it grows. 

Continuous fight for inclusivity 

In our business, communication is key, and we recognise the need for inclusive practices and the needs of a diverse community through our yearly events and HR policies. The engineering industry remains a heavily male-dominated industry, which is why equality and diversity in the workplace are values that we strive for every day. By creating opportunities and having open conversations that help women continue to shape the world (especially the STEM industry), CJC is determined to close this gap.  

We believe the current generation of Managers and Engineers’ responsibility is to break down the barriers preventing women excelling in the Construction Industry, among many other things we do this by creating an inclusive workspace. We are continuously working on changes within our Group. CJC is encouraging young women to look at Engineering as a career that offers more opportunities and challenges than any other vocation, which inspires them to get involved and lead from the front.  

This award is truly a humbling reminder for all the hard work we have put into our teams and a great motivation for us as a company to keep growing and striving. 

Thank you and congratulations to all the fellow finalists and winners! 

CJC Nominated as Employer of Choice Award’s Finalist 2021

We are thrilled to announce that CaSE and its employees have been recognised as a finalist in the 2021 Business Australia NSW Awards.

CJC received recognition for the Employer of Choice Award, which values businesses that have effectively driven growth and are able to demonstrate the specific strategies implemented to achieve business success and/or resilience.

Our team members were also nominated as finalists for their own category of Young Business Leader award. This category recognises inspirational business leaders aged 35 or under who demonstrate outstanding entrepreneurial spirit, strategic business direction and innovative ideas.

Congratulations to Marketing Manager, Lies Desaer and Senior Project Engineer, Peter Brown for the very well deserved nominations.

“I am grateful to work for a company that believes in you and gives you the opportunity to keep growing in your role. I am very honoured to be named a finalist. Hard work pays off.”, says Lies.

Her years of experience in the marketing industry across the globe, can-do attitude, and inspirational work ethic as a team leader have brought her this well-deserved recognition.

As for Peter, he is a proactive leader who continues to support and challenge his team members to grow. He continuously brings a positive and approachable attitude that truly makes him a great leader. His exceptional industry knowledge is also a great source of inspiration for his fellow peers.

“Always great to get recognised for your work. I am truly delighted to be a finalist and it is only possible with a great team around me!”, says Peter.

Needless to say, it has been a rewarding month of achievements. We couldn’t have done it without the support of our employees, partners and clients.

We look forward to a promising future ahead!

Moses Borland reflects on the Medway Viaduct Project (UK)

“I learned that whatever the contractual conditions, personal relations play a big part in resolving issues.” 

Medway Viaduct at night

At 1025m long the Medway Viaduct was the largest structure on Section 1 of the Channel Tunnel Rail Link (now High Speed 1). This is the high speed railway from the Channel Tunnel between the United Kingdom, France and Central London.  

What did the viaduct consist of? 

The Viaduct consisted of an insitu balanced cantilever with a 150.4m main span and two 90m back spans 30m above the estuary. The approach spans were a 340m long incremental launch with 45m spans on the western approach and a 520m long incremental launch with 45m spans on the eastern approach. 

Project Manager, Moses Borland explains he still feels privileged to have been involved in this complex project. Not only did he gain valuable technical and practical skills from this experience, but he also developed life-long relationships. 

Tell us about your involvement in this project. 

I joined the engineering management team about 3 months after the start of construction and developed the construction methodology, temporary works schemes and liaised with the designer to achieve value engineering proposals. This resulted in being promoted to Engineering Manager. 

What was your biggest challenge? 

There were a few challenges throughout the project; one of them being a change of Government in the UK at the time. The change resulted in the incoming government nearly cancelling the whole project and the design work being stopped for a period.  

However, the Deputy Prime Minister secured funding for the project and so it being of high priority resulted in the construction starting before the design was ready.  

Another hurdle we had to cross was the contract being a construct-only Engineering Contract /Target Cost Contract which, back then, was a new way of working and required early warning of disputes. This of course caused difficult relations between the Project Management team as the lack of design work was delaying the construction of the project.  

How did you overcome the challenge? 

Something I learned and still stay by is that whatever the contractual conditions, personal relations play a big part in resolving issues. I was fortunate enough to have a new on-site Design Manager join the project at the same time as me, and we got on well. We both took a proactive approach to releasing the design before final signoff which allowed for procurement and construction planning. We also developed good relations with the off-site design team to allow construction input to the design. 

Pile Rebar

Another challenge we overcame was the cultural indifferences through the joint venture of a smaller English and a major French contractor which led to a few cultural indifferences.  

Being Irish allowed me to have a mediating role and a few necessary changes in personnel led to much better relations on the project. The French accepted that the English were not all technically deficient, and the English understood that they can actually learn a few things from the major international contractor. Unfortunately, other than a Gallic shrug my French did not improve! 

What do you cherish the most from this experience? 

After 20 years, I am still friends with the people I met on the project and although I am now on the other side of the world we stay connected. The most important experience of all is that I met my wife at the Medway Viaduct. 

Have you gained any important skills from working on this project? 

The Medway Viaduct was my first experience on a highly technical bridge construction including major marine works, tall sloping tapering piers, major bespoke temporary works and incremental launching and balanced cantilever construction.  

This experience was instrumental in my move to build major bridges in New Zealand and Australia and ultimately contributes to the skillset I bring to my role at CJC Management.  

Medway Viaduct in the morning

5 Ways We Ensure A Productive Working Culture

As a trusted Project Management team, we work closely with our clients to provide oversight and control of major infrastructure and building projects across the globe.

Our highly experienced team has developed their competencies on some of the world’s largest and most challenging infrastructure projects. The team’s wide range of experience and advice is regularly sought after by government agencies, commercial operators and design consultancies

So how do keep our team productive?

Staying connected plays a significant role in our productivity as a whole. We are proud of our efforts and initiatives in making every team member feel engaged and motivated. Here are five aspects we focus on to maintain this.

1. Mental wellbeing
Promoting a healthy work/life balance help employees achieve great goals. We have partnered with credible resources such as Acacia Employee Assistance Program which enables our team to access free counselling session to support their mental wellbeing.

2. Empowerment
A small but powerful incentive we recently started. Each week, we share a ‘Wins of the week’ to celebrate a team member’s achievement, be it big or small!

3. Inclusivity
No matter what background, age, or gender. We promote this through a special welcome session internally so everyone can get acquainted, even remotely. We also encourage our team members to celebrate a special national holiday that is important to each individual.

4. Create a fun atmosphere
Every day throughout lockdown, we engage in a fun trivia quiz to get to know every one of our employees better hosted by State Manager Sarah Stante. This has successfully boosted our company’s morale and maintained a strong bond between each member.

5. Encourage learning
Setting a great example is reflected through the opportunities that we set for undergraduates and graduates to be able to take on learning experiences with our senior employees. We offer traineeships and mentorships for all our employees to encourage their personal and professional growth.

Sarah Stante Celebrating the Success of Female Engineers

“Let’s step-up what we can achieve for each other now and in the future.”

We talked to our NSW State Manager Sarah Stante on her journey as CJC Management’s #engineeringheroes.

What does Engineering mean to you?

I enjoy being able to contribute to the well-being of our community as the users of infrastructure, incorporating value for money solutions and innovative construction techniques. Engineers are problem solvers, and it’s exciting to find solutions to complex problems while collaborating with exceptional people! I am proud of my achievements in construction and when I was recognised with a NAWIC Award during a Brisbane-based project, it was an honour.

What are your hopes for the future of Women in Engineering?

I believe that a diverse workforce provides the best platform for business success. My hope is that as the percentage of women in STEM careers grow, so will the capacity to embrace change and recognise unique contributions.

  • For us, it means engaging early, having a career plan and finding supportive workplaces.
  • For industry, we need real opportunities for meaningful roles to retain knowledge and experience in a growing market.
  • For future, take every opportunity to encourage excitement for maths, science and engineering with generations to come.
  • Most importantly, it means supporting each other and celebrating our successes!

Why Engineering?

I enjoyed studying science at school and found that engineering was a practical way to find solutions to societal issues – for me it was a growing concern for the future of the environment. I pursued my interest in environmental issues and completed a Civil and Environmental Engineering degree. My first on-site role combined environmental monitoring with site engineering. After my first concrete pour, I was hooked!

What is a typical day at work for you?

For most of my career I’ve worked on site delivering infrastructure projects, focusing on concrete structures and bridges. Today, I provide advice on project constructability to both government and industry clients, by looking wholistically at construction staging, traffic requirements, utility and stakeholder interactions, program and risk including workshop facilitation. I also support business operations in NSW, from recruiting to tendering, mentoring to business strategy.

What was an exciting project you worked on?

On the Cross City Tunnel, I was part of the team delivering the westbound exit cut and cover tunnel structures. We cut the intersection of Druitt St and Sussex St in half to complete the tunnel where it became too shallow to continue in rock. I gained so much experience from this project from concrete structures to major utility relocations, working in constricted city sites requiring smart traffic and temporary works solutions and the importance of collaborative teams. 

Do you have any great career advice?

Not so much advice, but a great leadership example – a GM who visited site regularly knew everyone’s name and something about them, from the PM to the leading hand. It fostered a culture of being seen and belonging, which is so valued in an industry of mega-projects today.

Do you have any final words for fellow or aspiring women Engineers?

Working in construction is not an easy journey, with very few female role models.  It is an honour to be considered an #engineeringhero, and I’m looking forward to encouraging fellow engineers in their journey. I am inspired by the new generation of engineers, like Zahra Khorami, who convinced her all-girls high school to add physics to the curriculum so she could study bio-medical engineering. My own children challenge me every day to re-write the diversity narrative with their passion for STEM and their unblemished expectations and limitless ideas for their futures. Let’s step-up what we can achieve for each other now and in the future.